Message from the

Pioneer a new global era,
Adapt to diversification and speed, and
Realize unprecedented creation
The world is now experiencing innovation at an incredibly accelerated pace, and there is also enhanced motivation to change our society. We at Kyodo Shaft group are driven to face these significant changes.
By not only applying the principle of “quality first” but also actively
introducing digitization, we are striving to improve our productivity so we can readily meet the ever-diversifying needs of our customers and society, including those for lower costs.
To achieve this goal, the sharing of information is indispensable. We will redouble our efforts toward automation via comprehensive quantification and digitization while building on the technologies and know-how that we have accumulated up to now.
We will also strengthen governance by sharing non-digital company information with all our employees thus making it their common asset.
In addition to actively promoting research and development and ensuring precise responses to our customers’ needs while providing them with a stable supply of products, it is of utmost importance for us to develop products, create services and added value, and propose them to our customers using differentiation strategies to come out on top in the midst of intensifying market competition. It is through these activities that we are making progress on projects in partnership with our customers.
One of the pressing issues for us in terms of international strategies is the strategic expansion of overseas markets centered on China and Thailand. We are dealing with globalization by establishing a virtuous cycle of returning the fruits of growth in overseas markets back to Japan, which will be used for further technological development and the results of such development will be introduced to markets abroad.
You can count on us at Kyodo Shaft group to take on new challenges in the new era.
January 2020
- Masayuki AnzaiPresident
Kyodo Shaft Business Group -